Introducing the CSO Capacity Building For Credible Local Elections (CAB4CLE) Angola


DWF is implementing the CSO Capacity Building for Credible Local Elections, known as the CAB4CLE project, in Angola from October 2022 to September 2024.

The project’s primary focus is to empower and capacitate CSOs to play an effective role in conducting civic and voter education, advocate for local electoral processes for credible local government elections and contribute towards the electoral reforms agenda in Angola. The project will work with CSOs but at different levels to achieve this.

With the 2022 local government elections as a starting point, the project is designed as an iterative process involving learning, standards development, capacity development, building democratic cultures, and civic participation.

Expected Outcomes

Outcome 1: Enhanced capacity and knowledge for civil society to undertake evidence-based advocacy for democratic local governance and to meaningfully participate in local electoral processes

Outcome 2: Increased capacity and knowledge for the citizenry to meaningfully participate in the local government electoral processes

Outcome 3: Increased engagement of National level electoral stakeholders, including the CNE, political parties, and government institutions, to facilitate joint reflection and to learn as well as address issues that contribute to credible electoral processes


  • Civil Society Organisations working in the democratic space at national and provincial levels.
  • Organised youth and women groups focusing on democracy and governance sectors at the local level.
  • Commission for National Elections (CNE)
  • Municipal and District Electoral Commissions
  • Political parties
  • Media organisations at the local level

Implementing Partners

  1. Rede Terra
  2. Centro Nacional de Aconselhamento (National Counselling Centre – NCC)

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